Afghan Rugs
Afghanistan rugs are a gorgeous product of the area. They carry the long history of the mongolian tribal nomads into the modern era. The Afghan weavers are well known for their all natural dying process using no artificial dyes. The Afghan rugs are well known for thier elongated figures that have a signature look. Another feature common to the Afghan weavers is the lack of patterns. Whilst persian weavers have upwords of 19 pattern types that they can use, the Afghani use a single print known as the Bukhara. It is an octoganal shape representing an elephant foot. Bhukara rugs as well as all other Afghani rugs should be cleaned by a professional such as Afghan RugCleaning
Elongated Figures

This rug clearly shows the elongated figures that are common to the northern Afghanistan weavers. These rugs are an important part of the culture and dates back to the Mongolian People.

This is the main pattern of the Afghan people. Its distinctive shape represents the foot of an elepphant. Another important quality of these rugs is their use of an all natural red dye.